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TFL: Log File

Trimble is requesting Trimble Field Link LOG File for support.

User may need to change permission settings for “Folders”:

  1. Go to the start menu or Microsoft icon and click on the control panel on the right.
  2. Once in the control panel select “Folder Options”
  3. Once in Folder Options Select “View” tab
  4. Make sure the “Show Hidden Files and Folders” is Selected and press Apply. Then exit out of Folder Options and control panel.

To Access the Log File do the following:

  1. Open “Explorer” (may be labeled “My Computer”, “This PC”, or be a FOLDER icon in your bar)
  2. Select this PC on the left hand side
  3. Then select the C Drive
  4. Then select Users. Select your user.
  5. Then Select App Data
  6. Then go in to the Roaming folder
  7. Select the Trimble Folder (will defer dependent upon version)
  8. Select LogFiles
  9. Copy and send Log File(s) to BuildingPoint representative.