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Using Touch Control on a Tablet

If you want to stop using the stylus with your tablet and want to convert to using standard touch control then the steps below will outline how to turn on touch control. You can always revert back to the stylus for your data input by following the same steps outlined below but instead selecting the stylus option.

Select your tablet type below and then follow the steps listed to change to touch control on that specific tablet.

T100 Tablet

Step 1: In the lower right-hand corner of the tablet taskbar select the additional apps icon.
T100-T10 Addt’l Apps
Step 2: You should see in the apps list the Touch Control app icon. All you need to do is to select that icon and that will change the tablet to touch control instead of stylus only.
T100 – Touch Control app

T10 Tablet

Step 1: In the lower right-hand corner of the tablet taskbar select the additional apps icon.

T100-T10 Addt’l Apps
Step 2: Then select the Control Center icon and Select Open
T10 – Control Center
T10 – Control Center Open
Step 3: Select the drop-down arrow under the Touch Mode. Then select the mode you would like to use.
T10 – Control Center Touch Mode


Step 1: Find the Touch Control icon on your desktop or in All Apps via the Windows icon
Kenai – Touch Control on Desktop
Kenai – Touch Control in All Apps list
Step 2: Then select the Stylus Mode button in the Touch Control settings box

Kenai – Touch Control Stylus Mode


Step 1: Select the Windows icon
Panasonic – Windows

Step 2: Select the Panasonic PC Settings Utility in All Apps
Panasonic PC Settings Utility
Step 3: The Settings tab should be the default tab that opens when the utility app opens. From the settings tab select the preferred entry style. You will need to select Yes in the confirmation message box that opens after changing the entry style type. Once the blue dot is next to your preferred entry style you can close the Settings Utility window.
Panasonic – PC Settings Tab
Panasonic – PC Settings change confirmation