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Sharing a model in TFL

How do you share an edited Trimble Field Link Model (Map Merge)?

Creating the File

  1. Open TFL
  2. Create a new Job with the name desired (ex. Test 1)
  3. Bring in your drawing (DWG, DXF, IFC, PDF) The system has now created a new file with the same name as your Job but now as a TRB (ex. Test 1.TRB)
  4. Click on the Model Management Feature (inside the zipper by the lowercase i on the bottom right of Trimble Field Link)
  5. Click on the model(s) you would like to edit
  6. Click the pencil above the drawing
  7. Edit the model to what needs to be done (stacking, rotation, scale, orientation, etc.)

Creating the Folder

  1. After you have changed the File you can exit out of Trimble Field Link
  2. Create a Folder to place the data. This could be on your desktop, USB, or Trimble Connect (ex. Scaled Drawing Folder)
  3. Go to Documents -> Trimble Field Link -> Jobs
  4. Find and Copy the Files that have been created for this job. There should be a TFL, TRB, and a DAT folder (ex. Test 1.dat folder, Test 1 TRB, Test 1 TFL)
  5. Paste these files in the folder you created on your desktop/USB/Connect (ex. Scaled Drawing Folder)

Open the Edited File

  1. Open Trimble Field Link
  2. Click on More -> Jobs -> Manage
  3. Choose on the left side where the data was stored (Desktop, Connect, USB)
  4. Click the File (should only be one file to choose from if done right)
  5. Click Open

The edited drawing should be ready to share