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CrewSight: Trimble Juno T41 R-AEI Initial Setup

How do I properly configure the Juno during initial setup at the CrewSight Jobsite?

For the initial settings you need to make sure that the Juno stays on as long as possible. If it goes into “sleep” mode, you will lose connectivity to Crewsight. In order to remedy this, you need to adjust the following settings with the Juno.

Juno Setup:

Go to the Settings Icon
A. Within Settings go to Wifi / Bluetooth and turn them off. The Juno needs to always be in Cellular Mode
B. Turn the Display to Sleep =30 Minutes
C. External Battery Settings – Needs to be on Handheld Charge Mode
D. Docking Station – Needs be Checked to “Wake on Dock Connects”

Setting Up the Scanning Options:
A. Read Power —> Set to 30 DB
B. Multitag Mode —-> ON
C. Tag Population —-> Medium
D. Date & Time —> Automatic Date & Time
E. Developer Options —-> ON
1. Make Sure to Check Stay Awake to ON

If the Juno does fall asleep:
A. Go to Settings —> Apps —> Crewscan. From here “Clear Cache” & “Clear Data”