RealWorks – cloud based data storage issues

If you are running in to issues viewing, accessing, exporting or publishing your scan data in RealWorks the issue might be that you are live syncing the data to a cloud based storage application like Google Drive, Dropbox, ShareFile, SharePoint etc.

When working with point cloud data in RealWorks to create a new project, register the files, manipulate the point cloud and/or export the point cloud(s) to an external application you should always access the project scan files from either a local computer drive or an external drive. We recommend that your point cloud files and project files created in RealWorks be saved to a SSD drive (internal or external). That should also be your working file location until you have the cloud registered and cleaned up. Once you have the project point cloud created and the initial manipulation done you can then copy or move the locally saved files to your cloud based storage app assuming you do have a folder and file structure for that application that you can see in Windows Explorer.

If you want to work with scan data that is saved in a cloud based data storage application you will need to follow the steps outlined below to avoid data saving and access issues. To get things to work correctly in RealWorks you have to make sure your cloud based storage folder is changed from sync only to a local (available offline) folder. Below are examples of how to do this in both Google Drive and Dropbox.

Google Drive Example
When you create a new folder in your synced Google Drive folder it will default to be a Cloud Sync Folder. You will notice the a little cloud in the corner of the file folder icon.

In order to avoid data access and saving issues you should change the folder to be a local folder. When you do that you will see a little green circle in the corner of the file folder icon.

To change the file folder from a cloud sync folder to a locally saved folder you simply right click on the folder and in the Google Drive options menu select Offline Access > Available Offline

Google Drive folders both local and synced folder examples

Dropbox Example
To change a Dropbox folder from the default online-only or cloud sync folder you can right click on the folder in your Dropbox folder and then select Make Available Offline in the Dropbox menu options.

If you still have data access, saving, exporting or publishing issues in Realworks after following the recommendations outlined above please don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team.

You can connect us via our Support Case Form

RealWorks v12.4 Release Notes

RealWorks v12.4 was released officially on April 27, 2023 and is now available to all client’s that have active SSM or a Subscription license.

The download for the latest release is available via the RealWorks homepage and the notification window. If you have issues installing RealWorks please see the support article that goes over the installation process. You can also contact our support team by submitting a support case if the article does not resolve your installation issues.

Below is the official release notes for version 12.4

Trimble RealWorks Installation Information

The PDF document below has been taken from the RealWorks User Guide. You can download the full user guide from the homepage inside of RealWorks. This document can be used to reference the following basic information about the Trimble RealWorks program. Numbers below correspond to the subsection for the topic as shown in the attached document.

3.1 System Requirements
3.2 Check the Graphics Card in Use
3.3 Check the Open Source Libraries and Licenses in Use
3.4 Download Trimble RealWorks
3.5 Download Trimble Update Network License Utility
3.6 Licensed Features
3.7 Install Trimble RealWorks
3.8 Update Trimble RealWorks
3.10 View and Manage Licensed Features
3.11 Export an Event Log File
3.12 Connect to an External Trimble Service Using Your TID

This install document is for versions 12.0 but the basic processes outlined in it should pertain to prior releases.

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