If you find yourself in FieldLink needing to create an addition layout point or line based off of a known angle you can follow the steps below to do just that. At the end there is video showing the workflow described in the steps.
Step 1: Start by selecting Create on the top of the FieldLink screen then choose From Model
Step 2: Create points on the model that is the start and end of the line with the known angle you want to follow. Creating points will ensure you get accurate information when using the ruler tool.
Step 3: After creating the points go back to the top menu and select Create and then choose Plan
Step 4: Click on the Ruler in the top left corner of the screen. Then click on your first point and the second point. FieldLink will display the Azimuth between the points. Be sure to copy the Azimuth numbers down as you will need to input them again later. Close out the measure tool before proceeding to the next step.
If you do not have points established as part of Step 2 you can manually measure between 2 points on your background that you can snap to using the Ruler.
Step 5: Click on the first point you would like to start from to create your new point. You will then see the Work Slate Tool at the bottom of the screen.
Click on first point
Work Slate Tool